7 Reasons Randy Orton Has Nothing Left To Give WWE

7. His Character Is Beyond Stale

One of the biggest hurdles facing Randy Orton in 2015 is the fact that his character has not really changed substantially over the last seven years. Sure, there may have been instances of slight tweaks but by and large, Orton is a guy who has gotten over on the strength of his finisher and the snake-like tendencies that earned him The Viper nickname in the first place. That has not changed. There are no fresh motivations for anything he does, nor is there much in the way of variation. He is essentially the same person he has been for half a decade now and while he still generates a loud reaction, there is a noticeable apathy that follows at bell time. With so little progress made with regards to his character development (or lack thereof), fans have essentially labeled him the anti-John Cena, for the worst reason imaginable. While Cena has managed to continue eliciting reactions, whether negative or positive, Orton has continued to be met with indifference. The fans still pop for his signature spots but, on the whole, they could care less about the third-generation star or his weekly exploits. That is an incredibly difficult position to be in and the fact that WWE creative have done nothing to help change that is further indication of the staleness of Orton's character of late.
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Randy Orton
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Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.