7 Reasons Why The Rock Is The Best Talker Ever

5. He Can Do Really Long Promos Even On His Own

http://youtu.be/SOq30BTMfLY When The Rock made his long awaited return to WWE on February 14, 2011 he was given the main event slot of Raw. He spoke for nearly 20 minutes by himself. He didn't have anybody to play off of. It was just him. There are very few wrestlers ever that can carry a segment like that, but he was able to get it done. He's done it several other times in his career too. During the build up to his match against John Cena in 2012, he carried multiple promo segments for about 20 minutes. When Cena did his promos, they usually went about 10 minutes at the most. Cena's a very good talker, but he's not at the level of The Rock and that was proven when The Rock was out there on his own getting the fans to chant whatever he wanted. Even if it was ridiculous things like "kung pao chicken," "lady parts" or "cookiepuss" he always had the ability to get them to do what he wanted. That's one of The Rock's greatest gifts. He could always find a way to make his promos work even when he had the responsibility of carrying a 20 minute segment. How many wrestlers in the history of the business have been able to talk for as long as him? Very few. It's because he earned Vince McMahon's trust. He proved how good he was with his performances.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.