7 Reasons WWE Is Failing To Engage (And 3 Ways To Solve It)

9. Loss Of Focus


Quick, what’s the major difference between Raw and Smackdown from a content perspective? Reasonable people can argue over which show is better (right now it's Smackdown), but there's not enough tangible differences to separate the two. Obviously the rosters are different, but what’s the purpose of a brand split if one so closely mirrors the other—right down to each having their own championships?

This is a clear loss of focus. NXT at least knows who they are. NXT is developmental talent trying to impress enough for a shot at the big stage, and they are just edgy enough to carry my interest. 205 Live was arguably the most focused of all WWE programming lately, and even though viewership wasn’t wonderful, the same focus should be applied at a larger level.

The WWE fanbase is so diverse, so fractious, that you’d think they would recognize that laser focus on safe, reliable programming isn’t the solution, but rather diversification is. Would it be so bad if one show was more geared toward adults? What if NXT talent could only go to Smackdown for a year?

The two big shows need to try separate themselves, and carry a clear, identifiable reality. Entertainment may not be as ubiquitous as the WWE thinks.

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