7 Reasons Why WWE Money In The Bank 2011 Won't Be Topped

5. Alberto Del Rio Money In The Bank Win Was The Right Choice

The contract ladder match for the WWE Title (or Raw title at that point) match featured eight performers: Alberto Del Rio, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, R-Truth, Alex Riley, The Miz & Rey Mysterio. It was one of the most obvious contract ladder matches ever in terms of picking the winner. Del Rio won the Royal Rumble earlier in the year and while he didn't get his hands on the World Title at that point, it felt like it was only a matter of time. That's why it made sense for him to win the contract for the WWE Title match. There were guys in this match that really weren't threats to win at all. The likes of Bourne, R-Truth and Riley were strictly midcarders at best. Kingston was in the upper midcard, but it never seemed like WWE was going to push him up the ladder. The addition of Miz, Swagger and Mysterio brought credibility to the match since they were all former World Champions although once again none of them really came off as threats to win. The finish was creative with Del Rio actually ripping Mysterio's mask off leaving him exposed, but they never showed Mysterio's face and they used it as a way to prevent Rey from winning with the idea that he was too distracted to climb up to win the match. It was a smart strategy by Del Rio, who retrieved the briefcase after 15 minutes of action.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.