7 Reasons WWE Must Sign Bully Ray

6. He Could Be Used To Stand Up To Lesnar

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J-i04czVnM Brock Lesnar's the current WWE Champion that's likely going to remain in that role until WrestleMania 31 next year where he'll probably put Roman Reigns over for the WWE Title. What does WWE do until then? After Lesnar beats John Cena at Night of Champions he's going to need to face some challenger that has credibility. There really aren't a lot of babyface choices in WWE right now. We already saw Lesnar dismantle Big Show at the Royal Rumble and in setting up that match, he beat up Mark Henry easily. Daniel Bryan isn't healthy. The choices are limited. That's where Bully Ray can come in. Paul Heyman could be in the ring bragging about how Lesnar has beat everybody put in his path and that nobody is going to slow him down. That's when Bully Ray can make his return to the company to get right in Lesnar's face. It doesn't have to be a match. It could be something like when Lesnar attacked Mark Henry earlier this year and made an example out of him. If they did a match it would be a win for Lesnar, but Bully could put up a fight before losing. Since Bully Ray has a lot of history with Heyman from his ECW days, they can work that into the angle too. All of this is dependent on Lesnar's schedule too. If he works Survivor Series then maybe they can do something for then. If not, it will be difficult to fit into the plans.
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Bully Ray
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.