7 Signs WWE Is Planning A Women's Tag Division

6. Mandy Rose And Sonya Deville Are Still Tagging Post-Absolution

Natalya Ronda Rousey

Why are Mandy Rose and Sonya DeVille still a tag team? It’s a fair question. By all rights, they should have been split up after Paige’s injury forced her out of the group. Yet here we are, and they’re still operating as a duo.

Mandy Rose is presented, at least by Corey Graves, like an obnoxious 13-year-old’s fantasy girl. She’s even been packaged with a blurred-lens entrance, and music lifted from one of those late-night party line 1-800 phone service commercials from the early 2000s. Sonya DeVille, on the other hand, is a no-nonsense badass MMA fighter who enters to a song I think I heard first when it was called “Generic Athlete 4” in WWE2k16.

That isn’t to take anything away from either woman’s abilities, but who looks at those two characters and says to themselves, “Now there’s two women who should form a tag team so steadfast that they stay together, risking the wrath of their former teammate and new boss, for reasons, I guess. Secret reasons”?

The fact is that they have been kept together despite not having a unifying theme like their mirror-counterparts The Riott Squad, and despite having more than one opportunity to have them go their separate ways.


JP is a freelancer with many deeply nerdy pastimes that include: WWE, Dungeons & Dragons, nerdy TV shows, writing about all of those things on the internet.