7 Spine-Chilling WWE Commentary Calls

2. Vince McMahon (WrestleMania XII)

shawn michaels wrestlemania 12

Generally speaking, Vinnie Mac gets a bum rap when critics revisit his time as the WWF's lead play-by-play man. His over-the-top delivery ("One, two, he-got-him-no-he-didn't" and the aforementioned "What a manoeuvre") sounded comedic, but he was capable of selling true wrestling theatre when the situation called for it.

There's no better example of McMahon hyperbole giving way to genuine affection than at the conclusion of a 60-minute Iron Man match between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart at WrestleMania XII.

As an overwhelmed Michaels turned from 30-year old man into 10-year old boy all over again, clutched the WWF Heavyweight Title and shed tears of pure joy mid-ring, Vince added to the sentimental aura of the celebration by blurting out that, "The boyhood dream has come true".

Whether one considers the match an under-appreciated masterpiece or an over-bloated vanity project from HBK and Hart, it's undeniable that McMahon's words shaped the title change skilfully. His line is perhaps the bout's most enduring moment.

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Jim Ross
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