7 Spine-Chilling WWE Commentary Calls

3. Bobby Heenan (Royal Rumble 1992)

Ric Flair Royal Rumble 1992

There may never be a better heel commentary performance than the one Bobby Heenan produced at the 1992 Royal Rumble, and picking just one line is a tall order. A cheerleader extraordinaire, "The Brain" spent the entire 30-man match whinging about palpitations, cracking jokes aplenty, begging someone to get him some water and jousting with Gorilla Monsoon over Ric Flair's chances of going all the way.

It was masterful, and quotes like, "I never thought I'd say this, but thank you, Roddy. It's a kilt. It's not a skirt, it's a kilt" (followed by the hilarious, "You no-good creep! You skirt-wearing freak! It's not a kilt, it's a skirt!" when Piper attacked Flair) live long in the memory.

One trumps them all though: "That's not fair to Flair".

In the midst of the performance of a lifetime, Heenan found his killer line. Monsoon's arguments that the every man for himself nature of the Rumble meant that it was indeed fair to Flair helped increase the intensity and drama too.

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