7 Things You Should Know About WWE Royal Rumble 1992

7. The New Foundation Won Their Only PPV Match

The late, great Owen Hart started as a regular in WWE in late 1991. He teamed up with his brother in law Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart. The Anvil usually teamed with his other brother in law Bret Hart, but by that time Bret had ventured off on his own as a singles wrestler. It was smart to pair up Owen with Anvil since they had a good mix of speed and power together. Owen and Anvil were called The New Foundation. This was their only PPV match together and it was against The Orient Express. You might recall that a year earlier, The Orient Express had a tremendous match with The Rockers in the Rumble opener, so it made sense that they would be in another opener. The New Foundation got the win after Owen made the hot tag to Anvil, he cleaned house, brought Owen back in and then Owen hit the Rocket Launcher (splash off the top rope) for the win. It was the last PPV win for the duo because Anvil ended up getting fired by WWE soon after. He had a lot of drug problems at the time, so it was tough for them to keep him around. They could have become tag team champs one day, but it wasn't meant to be. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2cnpa_new-foundation-vs-orient-express-ww_sport There were two other tag matches on the show. The Natural Disasters had a countout win over the Legion of Doom that was really boring. The Beverly Brothers also beat The Bushwhackers in a match that went on way too long. Who thought it was a good idea to give them 15 minutes? Brutal.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.