7 Things You Should Know About WWE Royal Rumble 1996

5. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Lasted The Longest In His First Rumble Match

It was a big Rumble match for newcomers. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (not yet known as Triple H) debuted in WWE in April of 1995, so this was his first Rumble match. He was the first entrant in the match because he lost on the Free For All pre-show to Duke "The Dumpster" Droese, who earned the #30 spot because of the win. What was so unique about Hunter's first Rumble match is that he eliminated zero guys. They had him start the match as #1, then kept him in the ring for a whopping 48:01 and he really did absolutely nothing the whole time. It's amazing that they would keep a guy in the ring that long while making sure that he eliminated nobody. Who decided that was a good idea? It seems like such a waste. It was Diesel that ended up tossing him towards the end of the match. There have been others that have lasted longer in Rumble matches, but he probably holds the record for lasting the longest while eliminating nobody. It's a dubious honor, that's for sure.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.