7 Things No WWE Fan Wants (That Will Probably Happen Soon)

5. Raw vs. SmackDown

Raw Vs SmackDown

The creation of Vince McMahon's rickety 'Wild Card Rule' should automatically disqualify any and all thoughts of another cursed 'Brand Warfare' storyline. How many times can fans be forced to suffer through this paper-thin excuse to lazily coast through the final few months of the year? Raw vs. SmackDown sucks, plain and simple.

It'd suck even more if they tried it in 2019. Do not be surprised if writers on both major shows give it a go.

The 'Wild Card' booking's very nature makes inter-brand clashes less exciting than ever. There's no thrill in seeing Wrestler A from Raw face Wrestler B from SmackDown if it happens every week without fail. In that sense then, 'Wild Card' is a blessing in disguise; if it means the annual Survivor Series snore is cancelled, we'll herald it as the best thing WWE have ever one.

OK, maybe that's going too far, but that's how detestably weary the Raw vs. SmackDown angle is. Fans are expected to pretend there's something at stake when performers who previously didn't give a toss suddenly decide they have to stick up for 'their' show. It's dull, haggard and (pardon the lingo) sh*t.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.