WWE: 7 Things That Shouldn't Have Happened At WrestleMania 30

6. John Cena Shouldn't Have Defeated Bray Wyatt

Now, I've picked my words very carefully there. I wouldn't have any issue with John Cena beating Bray Wyatt €“ beating the living tar out of him €“ but there is no way that Cena should have won the match. The match itself was disjointed. Bray was trying to bring out the monster within Cena and that was fantastic. When it happened, it was done really well €“ I envisioned Cena snapping at every turn and just going off the deep end. To give Cena credit, he played up to the chants extremely well for that brief moment, using them to fuel this new dark persona. But, for me, it was done back to front €“ he should have been fighting it for the first half of the match, and then just snaps for the finish. Instead, he snaps, goes back to normal and then wins. Cleanly, I might add. If I were booking, as just mentioned, Cena snaps at the end of the match and gets himself disqualified, destroying just about everything and everyone in sight. Therefore, he beats Bray Wyatt, but Bray Wyatt defeats John Cena. Bray would have got what he wanted €“ to be proven right about Cena and to pick up a big win. Alternatively, Cena battles his inner demons the entire match and we get to the same finish, but Bray actually connects with Sister Abigail and gets a clean victory. And then Cena snaps. Either of those alternatives could have lead to Cena hunting the Wyatt Family through to Extreme Rules for a rematch of epic proportions. For me, this match is just a rinse and repeat of Cena working with younger talent. By no means am I a Cena hater, but if you look at his track record €“ Damien Sandow, Zack Ryder, Dolph Ziggler €“ Cena has a habit of going over the younger talent, gobbling up their good matches and moving on. He gets good matches out of them, and in Ryder's case, opens them to a bigger audience, but very little happens to those talents after they're done with Cena. The exception to this rule is Daniel Bryan. But when you consider that not only did Cena snap and then reclaim his sanity, he also kicked out of Sister Abigail. Where does this take Bray Wyatt and his clan now, because I don't see any benefit to going after the CeNation a second time. Also, much love to Mark Crozer and The Revs who did a fantastic job playing the Wyatts in, especially as they dressed up to match the theme. They looked awesome.

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