7 Things WWE Fans Complain About Too Much

1. Anything Related To John Cena

This is not a point to say that you are a fool if you dislike John Cena because as fans we can like whoever we want and there shouldn't be anybody that tells us differently. With that said, some of the complaints that people have about Cena are pretty ridiculous. Some of the haters that talk about Cena do so as if he's the one that decides the outcomes of his matches. That's not his job. That's up to Vince McMahon, Triple H and the creative team. It's highly unlikely that Cena is forcing them to make decisions to have him win matches. Most wrestlers don't care if they win. Considering Cena's been a top guy for 10 years and he's as established as anybody in the history of wrestling, he probably doesn't care about putting people over when the time is right. The reason Cena is hated so much is because of all the wins and because his character is so lame most of the time. It seems like once per month he delivers one of those promos that makes us remember how great he is, but then he'll revert back to the smiling character that pretends like everything is wonderful all the time so he can put smiles on the kids faces. Cena is one of those guys that people are going to miss when he's gone (which may be five years or more from now) because you can't find a lot of guys with a work ethic like him. He's the hardest worker in wrestling. That's why he is where he is. Keep on hating if you must, but Cena isn't going away anytime soon.
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John Cena
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.