7 Things WWE Fans Complain About Too Much

2. The Relentless Shilling Of $9.99 for WWE Network

The $9.99 price for WWE Network in America is a number that WWE has driven home relentlessly to WWE fans for the past several months. Actually, they probably didn't do a good enough job of promoting it at the beginning. What they needed to do was explain how people could watch the network and do a better job of pushing what is actually on it so the consumers know what they're getting. Since WWE is pushing it so much, fans are getting tired of it. Can you blame WWE for pushing it? They need to sell people on WWE Network so that it can continue to grow, they can make money at it and hopefully grow as a company because of it. This is their biggest business venture in a very long time. Its success is crucial for the future of WWE. Think of the positives for us as fans. We get to see live PPVs at a much lower price of $9.99 per month plus all of the other great content they have on there. It's way better than what we had to pay before. Hearing them promote WWE Network endlessly may be annoying if you already have the WWE Network, but it's better for us to support it because the more it grows the better it is for us as fans. Plus, it's way better than the Tout era. Remember that? That was a bad investment by WWE. If you have WWE Network you know it's awesome. If you don't, go get it for just...$9.99.
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John Cena
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.