7 Things WWE Must Do With NXT On USA Network

6. Maintain TakeOver's Periodic Appeal

NXT TakeOver Toronto

Including the upcoming TakeOver: WarGames on 23 November, WWE will present five NXT 'pay-per-view' specials in 2019. Compare that to the main roster's 16 (that number drafts in shorter specials like Smackville and The Shield's Final Chapter, admittedly) and it becomes clear that NXT benefits from the lower volume.

There's a varied two-three month gap between each TakeOver, and that helps make each one stand out.

If NXT begins airing on USA and the audience share grows, the temptation may be there for WWE to up the level of TakeOver shows and accommodate that increased interest. This would be a massive mistake; again, TakeOvers boast an exceptional quality most Raw/SmackDown pay-per-views lack. They wouldn't have that if they happened every single month.

If TakeOver shows start piggybacking every main roster show, then the unique aura they hold will diminish rather quickly. Keeping it between five-six (possibly seven if the need is there) would be for the best. No hardcore NXT fan would favour quantity over quality.

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NXT Triple H
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.