7 Things WWE Did Right At NXT Takeover 2: Fatal 4-Way

1. The 4-Way Main Event Was A Match Of The Year Contender

The main event was a Fatal 4-Way match between NXT Champion Adrian Neville, Tyson Kidd, Sami Zayn and Tyler Breeze. They had a 25 minute classic that exceeded expectations. It's definitely a match that fans shouldn't forget about when they are thinking about the best matches of 2014. It's hard to pinpoint one guy as the standout of the match. There were times when all of them got a chance to shine, which is what made it so great. Kidd was the lead heel in the match and as the veteran there were times where it looked like he was carrying some of it. Neville had the respect of the crowd as the current champion while Zayn may have been the most popular since he's never won the NXT Title before. Breeze is more of the younger new guy, so he wasn't expected to win although he came close. They teased some great finishes like when Breeze nearly beat Zayn. Then Kidd had Breeze trapped in the Sharpshooter only for Neville to break it up by preventing Breeze from tapping out. It looked like it was finally Zayn's time as he did some incredible dives to take out Neville and Breeze. When he had Kidd pinned, Neville pulled the ref out to the shock of everybody. That was not a babyface move, but he did what he had to do. Neville hit Zayn with a superkick, then he hit the Red Arrow on Kidd and that was enough for the victory as he retained his title. It looks like Neville might be turning heel soon although maybe the finish was done just way to show that he's crafty. If he turned heel then it would make sense because Sami Zayn could have a huge match with him later in the year if they do another NXT special in December and perhaps that will be when Zayn finally becomes NXT Champion. It will mean more when it's a singles match, that's for sure. All of the chants of "this is awesome" are why you should watch not only this match, but NXT Takeover II and NXT on a weekly basis. It's one of the best things about WWE these days.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.