7 Things You Only Learn From Attending WWE Live

2. Floor Seating Can Suck Hard

WWE Live

The next time you're browsing what tickets are available for a show, think long and hard about what you want from the event. For example, maybe hand-slapping wrestlers as they pass in the aisles is all you fancy, or perhaps getting a bird's eye of the action so you can take everything in is better.

Whatever suits, just remember that floor seating comes with more setbacks than the bleachers and stands.

WWE don't use their trons the same way they used to. Nowadays, it's much more common for the show's logo to appear on the screen rather than what's happening inside the ring. That, if you happen to be near the back of the floored area, can make it incredibly difficult to see what's going on.

Other fans are prone to standing up (with some small children forced to stand on their seats rather than sit), and this can take away from the overall experience. This guy once attended a SmackDown taping and barely saw any of it for that very reason.

So, it's worth keeping in mind that though kids like being close, they'll also appreciate seeing the actual matches you've paid good money for. Looking at the back of someone's skull and cursing them all the way isn't fun.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.