7 Times John Cena Was A Terrible Human
5. Eve Torres, Zack Ryder And The 'Hoeski' Debacle
That is an utterly ridiculous picture.
I don't know if this was the lowest point of John Cena (the character) and his relentless march towards the depths of misogyny, but it's pretty darn close. Here's a little backstory for those who can't remember; Zack Ryder was barely used on WWE TV at the time, so he took matters into his own hands and created a YouTube video series that took off in a big way. This somehow led to 'We Want Ryder' chants and our dear Zack becoming one of the most popular characters on the show. Inevitably this all went south, as nothing organic can last in the WWE. Ryder had a brief run with the United States title, but soon lost it and found himself embroiled in the John Cena/Kane story.
Kane was trying to get Cena to 'embrace the hate' as he put it, ahead of Cena's WrestleMania match against The Rock. He decided that the best way to do so would be to target Cena's new BFF, Zack Ryder. After trying to drag him into the depths of hell (under the ring), he made do with pushing his wheelchair off the stage. At this same time, Ryder was getting close to a former Divas champion by the name of Eve Torres. Just prior to the clip below, Torres and Cena shared a particularly steamy smooch directly in front of Ryder, showcasing the intensity of both friendships. Which leads us to one of the most uncomfortable segments on WWE TV in recent memory.
This whole thing just leaves a very sour taste in the mouth. Eve certainly isn't innocent in this whole debacle (although as the heel you can argue that her actions made sense by her character alignment), but our dear valiant hero Cena proceeds to slut-shame her to her knees, proving once and for all that if there's one thing John Cena despises, it's women who are comfortable with their sexuality.
That's enough about misogyny for now.