7 Times WWE Actually Did Something Classy

Yes, the McMahon family CAN be decent when they want to be!

The idea for this article initially came when I thought that a list of the most tactless and classless things that WWE have done would make for an entertaining read. The problem was, though, that list would simply be too long. Seriously €“ try to think of ten classless things from the top of your head right now. You should get there in half a minuye, tops. During the three and a bit decades that WWE have battled for a wrestling monopoly, they have screwed over countless people and organisations and have exploited endless political and social causes to try and make a quick buck. They really are kind of despicable, when they want to be, and the question of why we support them is one that tortures most wrestling fans all over the world. So I thought I'd try and be positive for a change, and recall some examples of times where WWE went against type and were actually a classy organisation. It wasn't easy, by any means - but they have done one or two things right in the past, and they should be noted and celebrated. With no further ado then, here are the moments that stand out as being beacons of light, in what has been a very dark company history.
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Ric Flair
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Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.