7 Tips For Interacting With WWE Stars On Twitter

1. Compliment Them All The Time

Screen Shot 2014 06 27 At 12 53 56twitterThe performers in WWE get Twitter accounts because the company wants them to. While some wrestlers use them a lot more than most, nearly everybody in the company has them by now. That's because WWE wants them to spread the message of what they're trying to sell. You may notice all the performers tweeting out the same thing at the same time. That's because they probably got an email telling them to do it. If they don't they might get in trouble. It's just like any job. They are also likely encouraged to talk to fans. Some do more than others. When you interact with them, think about what you're saying. If you insult them or say something to bother them then chances are you may get blocked or totally ignored. That's why the best thing you can do is compliment them. Kiss their ass! And don't be afraid to do it. There are so many WWE performers that retweet fans complimenting them all the time. I think Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) does it more than anybody. That's not a slight on him at all. He's one of my favorite people in wrestling. However, the guy can go an incredible run of retweeting compliments that people send him. Try it. You might get put over. It's a cool feeling. Any performer or anybody in the public eye (even a writer on the internet!) loves it when somebody compliments them on their work. It lets them know they are appreciated for their hard work. It's not like that person receives praise every day all day at their job. They can jump online and see you and others congratulating on them for a great match. It makes them happy. They might remember you from the first time you did it, so when you do it a second or third time maybe they would be more likely to reply. There are some performers that are better than others when it comes to replying to fans, but if you're consistently nice and respectful to the performers then the chances are good you may get those replies more often. Good luck in the Twitterverse and if you need to reach me for questions I'm @johnreport on there.
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Randy Orton
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.