7 Tips For Interacting With WWE Stars On Twitter

2. Avoid Using Insider Terms


Wrestlers don't really like it when fans talk to them using insider wrestling teams. Some of those terms are heel, face, angle, heat, pop, workrate and things like that. Try talking to a wrestler about workrate when you've never had a match and chances are they'll insult you. It's wrong of them to do it because we are all allowed to have our own opinions, but they will always be protective about the business that they work in. Protecting the business is what they know and what they've been taught since the day they first stepped into the ring. They don't want you to tell them that they suck at getting heat or that their pop wasn't that loud. They might block you for it just because they have no interest in logging onto the internet to read stuff like that. To them it's a waste of their time. Think about it. If you have a bad day would you want to have others tell you about how much it sucked? Absolutely not. Don't act like a know it all even if you think you really are one. Just act like a fan. To them, that's all you are and there's nothing wrong with that because at one point in their lives they were too.
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Randy Orton
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.