7 TNA Gimmicks WWE Should Steal

4. TNA Gut Check

TNA Gut Check

This is a bit of weird one, because TNA's Gut Check idea was clearly influenced by WWE's own Tough Enough concept in the first place. Impact's idea came with a twist though; Gut Check happened live in front of fans and directly followed a match pitting a tryout hopeful against established TNA star.

The idea had several benefits. TNA were immediately able to tell whether or not the Gut Check contestant could connect with their fan base, legends like Bruce Prichard and Tazz got some TV time, and the promotion had an easy match (one with a purpose) they could use to fill time.

Sounds like something WWE would dig, doesn't it?

It'd be easy to book too. Picture a mean authority figure like Stephanie McMahon throwing some newcomer to the wolves by having them wrestle one of Raw's top heels. The match would have instant heat due to the stars involved and that can only help the 'contestant'.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.