7 Upcoming Wrestling Books You Need To Know About

2. Life Is Short, And So Am I (Hornswoggle)

Hornswoggle Cruiserweight Champion Studio

There's no definitive release date for the unlikely story of Dylan Postl other than the vague 'Summer 2019'. Even so, his book is one well-worth marking down for when ECW Press get around to printing it.

The former WWE Cruiserweight Champion had a stunning run as the promotion's midget. That term isn't used to be derisory; listen to 'Swoggle on podcasts like The Ross Report from a few years ago to hear him outright say he hates being called a "little person". "I'm a midget, plain and simple", he declared, and who are we to argue?

Hornswoggle was only supposed to have a brief run when he popped up in 2006. A decade later, he was still going strong before being released almost exactly 10 years after his debut. That's one hell of a stint for someone so token, and it means his book will be busy juggling stories of underdog successes and his personal life away from the ring.

Postl lived an unlikely dream in WWE and became a father outside of it. If his book is as reflective as the man has been in pod interviews, then everyone is in for a treat.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.