7 Ups & 0 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Aug 25)
7. The 10 Bell Salute

That one word sums up this week's SmackDown. It would've been impossible for tears not to fall, feet not to shuffle and bottom lips not to tremble though. WWE's roster adored Bray Wyatt, and many had tremendous respect for Terry Funk. So, the opening 10 bell salute was chilling.
There's nothing new about this sort of segment (it's one people have witnessed all too often over the decades, sadly), but it's a classy way to show respect. Here, it set the tone for everything to come on the show. Whilst the salute was expected, it's one of those traditions that exists for a damn good reason.
A moment or so of human silence and togetherness can be powerful and (again) cathartic. Seeing Braun Strowman and Erick Rowan fly in for the night really helped too. They wanted to honour Wyatt by being there in person, and it was great to see them despite the depressing backdrop.