7 Ups & 0 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sep 10)

4. Mind Games

Edge Seth Rollins

A f*cking Glam Slam!

Seth Rollins used that twice on Edge (the first was a bit sloppy, so they did it again to hammer home the point), then got hit with a Pedigree. The insinuation here was clear: Rollins is trying to get inside Edge's head by using his wife's finisher, and the 'Rated-R' babyface turned the tables by using a move handed down by Seth's old mentor Triple H.

The story these guys have been telling since SummerSlam has been ace, and this rematch didn't disappoint. Sure, commercial breaks always hurt these epic/lengthy bouts a little, but there was nothing these guys could do about that. They danced around the ads with aplomb, and produced something worthy of pay-per-view regardless.

Mind games were welcome, and the Rollins win leaves things open for a tiebreaker come Extreme Rules on 26 September. Bonus points go to Edge for that Bret Hart-inspired attire too. He and Seth worked a match the 'Hitman' would be proud of.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.