7 Ups & 1 Down From NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver Night 2

4. Storytelling & Psychology

Johnny Gargano Bronson Reed

Wade was it again in the North American Title bout.

The well-spoken Englishman drew attention to the abuse Bronson Reed's mid-section had suffered during his 'Eliminator Gauntlet' win 24 hours before facing Johnny Gargano. That call added weight to Gargano's constant pot-shots to Reed's ribs and stomach. Good stuff all-round.

This wasn't some balls-to-the-wall 'Johnny TakeOver' special. Gargano didn't race through every single move he knows like he was hell-bent on showing the world how skilled a worker he is. No, instead, he and big Bronson slowed the pace at times and relied on logic over 'movez'. That was appreciated.

The moonsault miss that cost Reed in the end sold how high risk attempts come with some danger as well. This match won't win any awards, and most will likely forget about it within a few days, but it was a solid piece of business that kept the belt on Johnny without making Bronson look like his bitch.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.