7 Ups & 1 Down From WWE SmackDown (Feb 16 - Results & Review)


1. This Is Dragging

AJ Styles The OC

Move on, please.

AJ Styles has already made it pretty clear he views The OC as as old news, so it's baffling this segment was even booked at all. Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson and Michin wanted to know what's been going on with their former leader, then AJ slapped Karl and WWE will probably book a match or two between these guys.

The problem? Segments like it suggest these so-called friends don't actually speak to one another in between episodes of TV. What, so Anderson (or Luke/Michin) couldn't call Styles up and ask why he's turned into a moody pr*ck akin to his 2013 TNA guise? That's hardly realistic, but it's way worse that the story is dull.

There won't be much interest in seeing matches like AJ vs. Karl or AJ vs. Luke anyway, so WWE's writers should just skim over this and do something else with the remaining OC stragglers. It's far too late in the day to start pretending this could be SmackDown's next hot midcard storyline.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.