7 Ups & 1 Down From WWE SmackDown (Feb 16 - Results & Review)

3. Insufferable D*ckhead Hits Chamber!

Logan Paul The Miz

Logan Paul is really, really good at being an insufferable sort of heel. So, it's rather fitting that he wrestled The Miz here, 'cause that same arrogance is how Mikey boy cut his teeth too. Together, the pair produced a solid match. It wasn't must-see, or anything, but it was solid and they had in-ring history to lean on.

Putting LP in the Chamber was a no-brainer from creative.

It wasn't inconceivable that The Miz would cause an upset (perhaps winning by DQ, or something like that), which helped the match going in. Also, it's worth saying that Paul is getting better and better at those close shave near falls. The way he survives by the skin of his teeth without visibly watching the ref's hand is fab.

Chamber will give Logan another platform to do some wild stuff. Look out for him taking a crazy bump or two before he's surely ousted by either Randy Orton or LA Knight. Take your pick between those faces for a US Title clash come WrestleMania.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.