7 Ups & 2 Downs For AEW Collision (June 8 - Results & Review)


2. A Little Too Clunky

AEW Collision Johnny TV Dustin Rhodes

As a way to warm up Dustin Rhodes ahead of his match against Jack Perry next week, the Natural was given a win over Johnny TV on this latest Collision.

Despite both men clearly being talented, Dustin vs. Johnny was off in places. An early Rhodes cannonball to the outside was a little too delayed and too foreshadowed by Johnny and Taya Valkyrie killing time, a later diving tornillo from TV barely even glanced his opponent, and, from a kayfabe sense, it was stupid that a veteran like Taya would distract the referee at the moment Dustin was looking to illegally kick Johnny in the nuts.

Johnny TV did bump his ass off when Dustin was on the attack, and plenty of Rhodes' offense looked good, but one could also question why this needed to go ten minutes, especially given Johnny's role as the perennial loser when it comes to AEW programming.

This one only mildly falls on the Downs side of this article, but it's still a Down, regardless.

As for the post-match promo from Dustin Rhodes, it did come off a smidge too "AEW rah-rah!" initially, but Rhodes nicely amped things up when he turned his attention to Jack Perry, pulling plentiful inspiration from the legendary American Dream and hammering home how Perry is an entitled brat who doesn't know the meaning of sacrifice.

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Senior Writer

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