7 Ups & 2 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (May 29)
2. Opening In Style
WWE teased opening SmackDown with the Joe vs. Bryan match last night, as the big man marched to the ring in his war gear at the top of the show. They didn't flip the format, though. Instead of the bout, we got a typical revolving door talking segment, but who could possibly complain about another excellent Joe promo?
Joe went biblical as he spoke of heavenly salvation, before promising to scale the ladder, reign hell on SmackDown, and claim the brand as his own. "There are worse things than forced retirement," he told Daniel Bryan, before bringing his wife and daughter into the equation.
As searing as ever, Joe was on top form as he spat every line. Bryan inevitably showed up, claiming that his foe had crossed a line by mentioning his family, and of course, Big Cass followed. He feigned a limp, dropped a daft line comparing the duo to "a shrimp and a blimp," before pulling the ruse, attacking Joe and Cass after revealing he'd been cleared to compete.
This was as effective a table-setting segment as you'll find on WWE television, with Joe's outstanding work once again elevating it to one of the best things on the show.