7 Ups & 2 Downs From Last Night's NXT (May 13)

1. He Called Him Dominik Dija-Goof-avic...

Gargano Candice

I absolutely hate, hate, this.

I hate it when allegedly serious pro-wrestlers, heels at that, have entirely nonsensical motivations for their actions. I hate it when things that are filmed as candid looking into the lives of wrestlers keep breaking the fourth wall for "dramatic effect". I hate their stupid f***ing grins, and their stupid f***ing whiney dialogue and their stupid f***ing cup in in the middle of their dinner table.

Crazy then, really, that I absolutely loved this.

It's so deliberately obnoxious and grating, but not in the Baron-Cobrin-Doing-Restholds way that's going to make you stop watching the show. It's made me desperate, desperate, to see Kieth Lee and Mia Yim cave their skulls in whatever week I am told that is happening I will be there in a heartbeat. I will be salivating. I will be screaming "THE SHIN BONE MIA! BREAK HIS SHIN BONE!". I will be praying that Lee runs into Candice so hard that she has to be reassembled by air crash investigators.

They're a pair of complete dorks who you cannot take seriously for a single second, making them a living metaphor for all of WWE's shoddy heel-booking over the last couple of years. The worse this gets (and it is going to get worse), the closer it gets to being high art.

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