7 Ups & 2 Downs From Last Night's NXT (May 13)

3. Nese-ly Swerve-d

Nese Swerve

Going into this match I'd already made my mind up that, if Jack Gallagher loses, it was getting a down. In a tournament of this nature, you don't need to have anybody get comprehensively beaten in every single match, least of all the guy you've just decided to do a radical repackaging of. How were we ever going to take Peaky-Blinder Ed Sheeran seriously if he went 0-3.

But he won. And he didn't just win, he won as part of a really fascinating story that's going to emerge after this tournament as Isaiah "Swerve" Scott has, effectively, talked himself out of a Cruiserweight Championship match by making fun of Tony Nese. Tournaments are great, but unless you give the people in them something to segway out to, then you're just using 7 men to get 1 over. Nese vs Swerve is a match you'll absolutely want to see.

As for Swerve vs Gallagher though, it served its purpose of showing that the former would have won had he not been attacked beforehand, and that the latter has the mean streak to capitalise on that. Don't get me wrong, even though he doesn't have the worst record in this tournament, Gallagher is the man coming out of it looking the weakest, but he's at least got something to build on here.

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