7 Ups & 2 Downs From Last Night's NXT (May 13)

4. A Priestly Sum

Grimes Balor

Prior to this, Finn Balor had only wrestled on NXT 4 times this year. Despite his constant misuse on Raw and SmackDown, on NXT he's a man reserved for very special occasions (and squashing Joaquin Wilde), so this pairing felt a little bit off when it was booked last week. This isn't going to be a 20 minute+ "big match" for Balor, but neither is it going to be a squash, and he isn't a man who normally gets asked to put on something short-but-even.

Turns out this was a big match though, just not for him.

Cameron Grimes getting a win over Finn Balor (even with a major assist from Damien Priest) is a huge moment for him in the midst of a run of huge moments. Since mid-December he's beaten Kushida, Dominik Dijakovic, Tony Nese, Denzel Dejournette, and now Finn Balor. The only men he's lost to in this time have been Gargano and Kieth Lee. He's probably got a shout to be Number 1 contender in all honesty...

As for the now impending Balor vs Priest feud, well, we're only getting this because we were supposed to get Balor vs Dream, and we were only getting that because we were supposed to get Balor vs Walter, and I have lost all track of what's supposed to be going on here. Does it make any sense? No. Will it be a good match? Yes, if actually get it this time.

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