7 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (31 May - Results & Review)
2. Not Feeling Any Of This
Here's that uninspiring midcard story from the intro.
WWE plans to stall on either putting Andrade in Legado del Fantasma or having him feud with Santos Escobar. The glaring negative to all of this is that nothing about either outcome is particularly interesting, and nobody really has the mic skills to make it work. Andrade vs. Santos would be good in-ring, but...would it be memorable?
Angel trying to court his old mate for a gig with Legado only goes so far before things start to become boring too. There just isn't enough meat on the bone with those guys to make fans care about their frosty fractured friendship. The pair were hardly blood brothers first time around anyway.
The other problem with all of this is that Apollo Crews is involved, and it's real hard to get invested in anything Crews does in 2024. WWE can't expect people to get excited about characters with next-to-no direction as suddenly as this. You've gotta be worried for everyone concerned.