7 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Apr 17)

1. The Tag Title Change

Big E New Day SmackDown Tag-Team Titles

"Sucked" would be an adequate descriptor for this one too.

The SmackDown Tag-Team Titles (or any tag belts, for that matter) should not be switching hands in singles matches. It just shouldn't be happening; it was bad enough that WWE's writers got lazy and booked a rinse-and-repeat three-way, albeit with different moving parts, for the things, but it's even worse that they made the switch.

The clue is in the name - tag-team wrestling. Seeing The Miz and John Morrison being treated so poorly is a reminder that it doesn't matter how entertaining champions are sometimes. When WWE need a title change to justify their booking, they'll damn well write one in even if it doesn't do anyone any favours.

New Day are at the stage where they could be doing with a break from the gold for a while. Neither they nor the outgoing champs have benefited from this nonsensical one-on-one-on-one series.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.