7 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Apr 17)


7. A Tribute To The 'Fink'

Howard Finkel

Rest in peace, Howard Finkel, and thanks for everything you've done.

That was the prevailing, heartfelt message WWE put across on this week's show. They ran the usual tribute graphic at the top of the show for a fallen son, and then followed that up with a typically-slick video package recapping the memories 'Fink' helped create during his time.

Throughout, it was easy to see the affection so many people (including the production team putting this together) had for Howard. Corey Graves said it best when he noted that almost everybody in WWE had some kind of positive run-in with the man, and that he'll never be forgotten by those who witnessed his warmth.

Some will find it more challenging than usual to get up for this kind of thing considering what happened mid-week, but it's perhaps important to remember that nobody affected there lost their lives. Finkel has, and it's lovely he's so well thought of by his peers.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.