7 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Apr 17)

6. 'King' Corbin Gets Serious

King Corbin Elias

Damn, where the hell did super-serious, menacing and ruthless 'King' Corbin come from, and why hasn't WWE shown more of it? Corbin didn't goof around like he was a real-life King John from Disney's soon-to-be-remade Robin Hood, nor did he show mercy when he was beating the living sh*t out of Elias.

This was good stuff.

The only joke Corbin did throw in there was an absolute gem - he shouted, "Play me a song, Santana" right before belting Elias with his own guitar, and it was sheer gold. Sure, some people might complain that this seemingly-throwaway feud is still continuing, but what else are they gonna' do with these guys right now?

They're being used in a mid-card rivalry as they should be. It's easy to see that Elias will get some revenge on the 'King' during Corbin's MITB qualifier against Drew Gulak next week too. Everyone is a winner if that's the case.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.