7 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Apr 17)

2. Sheamus Setting Up A Jeff Hardy Feud

Sheamus Michael Cole

Last week, Sheamus cut an angry figure as he left the ring after squashing a jobber. He thumped the announce desk in frustration, stared a hole through Michael Cole and then walked off. At the time, it seemed like he was ad-libbing some heelish behaviour. That, as it turns out, wasn't the case.

Here, the Irishman again interrupted Cole's chat about the soon-to-return Jeff Hardy and said he felt slighted that they'd move on from his dominating squash match win yet again. This is a nifty way to build towards an easy feud for both men when Jeff does launch his comeback next week, and it'll finally give Sheamus some direction.

His aggression will contrast well with Jeff's redemption story.

Anyone who isn't excited to see a motivated Hardy against a fired-up heel Sheamus needs to start now. They'll tear the house down if they're given time, and both could be ideal as a spin-off mini-feud in the upcoming MITB match as well.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.