7 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 26)

1. A Little Too Late

Bianca Belair Sasha Banks

Speaking of which.

Oh, so now SmackDown's writers want to book Sasha Banks as the clear heel of the piece? Better late than never, but this needed to happen as soon as Bianca Belair announced her intent to challenge Banks for her belt at 'Mania. The pay-per-view is a fortnight away, guys.

WWE have been p*ssing around with on/off friendship rubbish for too long, and they booked back-to-back Women's Tag Title shots that nobody asked for. Throughout, Belair looked like a fool for trusting Sasha, and Banks own side-story with Reginald the wine waiter knackered their build towards a title showdown.

There's a real worry that they've left it too late here. The company can't go from miring these women in crappy booking to pretending that everything is fine and promoting them as one of two main events at WrestleMania. Fans need a bit more than that to convince them that this one is special.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.