7 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 26)


2. Sami Zayn Could’ve Said No?

Kevin Owens Sami Zayn

Why did Sami Zayn agree to this match so quickly?

Sure, he was under pressure from Kevin Owens, but Sami could've slinked out of the ring to buy himself some time, or said "no" before revealing that to be a ruse later on. Sadly, the fact he cracked under pressure so quickly didn't really make sense.

WWE missed an opportunity here. They should've had Zayn bitch and complain about KO turning against him (whilst conveniently ignoring his brutal kick from last week) so his outraged conspiracy theorist character continued. Here, Sami's main purpose was swept aside so a WrestleMania 37 bout could be booked ASAP.

This is a story that should've started in February, at the latest, not in March. Then, WWE would've had enough time on their side to spin things out a little longer and make Owens wait for Zayn's answer. Everything about this segment just felt rushed.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.