7 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sept 25)
2. Experiment Over?
Barefoot and buried.
That might be Matt Riddle's immediate future. Yours truly will always maintain that 'King' Corbin is better than the haters claim, and it's therefore hardly a disgrace to lose to him, but this felt like a major step backwards for Riddle. It smacked of WWE losing confidence in his push.
Also, what happened to that whole 'King's Ransom' dealio? That's fallen by the wayside, meaning the likes of Shorty G have no purpose on Friday nights again. The question must be asked: Why did Corbin need to offer a reward for taking out the 'Bro' when he could quite clearly do it himself?
That's the details WWE seldom care about, which is a shame. Fingers crossed this is a mere bump in the road for Riddle and not a defining moment people will look back on in years and shake their heads. He's too talented to be in this funk.