7 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sept 25)
5. Twisted Bliss
This might've been the most enjoyable Lacey Evans match/segment in months. She played her role nicely as a counterpoint to Alexa Bliss being all lethargic and out-of-sorts, and Lacey took quite the kicking once Bliss had flipped and been possessed by Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend'.
Good times.
Alexa needs a pat on the back for making the most of a story that's, Nikki Cross side-quest aside, a pretty lonely experience. She's being asked to almost turn into Wyatt's alter ego and mimic his mannerisms without dim lighting, cinematic tricks or even a mask.
Her facial expressions have been fabulous. Bliss manages to go from dazed 'normal' to crazed scream queen who wears hatred and dishevelled-ness like it comes easily. This story has real potential if it's taken slow and has some pay off.