7 Ups & 3 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (18 Nov)


7. Freezing Fulton

The concept that Chris Sabin vs. Ace Austin is based on surrounds Sabin wanting to elevate Ace to World Title material. As simple as it is, the story works; as a long-tenured babyface, Chris Sabin should be wanting to raise the stock of the younger guys.

He said as such himself, reiterating his Turning Point challenge to Ace in a short and snappy backstage segment. Sabin stated that Ace could prove himself as a legitimate future World Champion by beating a former World Champion. The challenge was therefore accepted, with a quick brawl breaking out thereafter, where Madman Fulton found himself locked in a walk-in freezer.

This was exactly to the point. Sabin got what he wanted, Austin looked like a confident d*ck, and Fulton was effectively removed from the equation on Saturday. His involvement in the pair's inaugural clash led directly to the finish. A rehash of that wouldn't work a second time, so this worked perfectly, regardless of if you're classing it as attempted murder.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.