7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE Raw (17 June - Results & Review)


3. Just Isn’t That Interesting

Carlito Dragon Lee

This should've been safe bet.

Technically, there was nothing wrong with Carlito vs. Dragon Lee, but man do WWE need to start fleshing out Lee with some sort of character. What do fans have to hold on to here? He's endorsed by Rey Mysterio and does some flashy spots, but the company hasn't explored his own personal motivations or ambitions at all.

If anything, Dragon comes across as a conduit for Rey to live through, and the main event proved that Mysterio doesn't actually need that! It feels like this business between the LWO and Carlito has been dragging - things haven't been helped by Carly trying to muscle in on Judgement Day either. Everything is...messy.

There's a definite case to be made that sticking a few solid matches on the Raw card for the sake of it is fine. Fair enough, but it'd be so much better if people actually had something to chew on with Dragon, or if Carlito's bid to gain JD membership was even the tiniest bit interesting.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.