7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE Raw (17 June - Results & Review)

6. One Of Those “Bangers”

Sheamus Bron Breakker

Then, there was the Sheamus vs. Breakker match itself.

Look, some out there will no doubt detest the DQ finish involving one Ludwig Kaiser, but it did protect Bron from taking the fall and possibly sets up some sort of multi-man title defence for Sami. It's either that or WWE can go the singles gauntlet route by lining up Sheamus, Kaiser and Breakker as individual challengers.

This fan's choice would be the latter route. Sheamus always delivers the goods in title matches, and he'd thrive in there vs. a worker like Zayn. Then, there's the underrated Kaiser; he's emerging as someone worth watching, and did work a fun dark match vs. Sami after SmackDown over in Glasgow, Scotland over the weekend.

Bron should be the focal point long term, of course, but there's no rush when it comes to putting a title around his waist/over his boulder shoulders. Pre-DQ (which will irk a few but shouldn't be a major issue), Sheamus and Breakker were hitting hard and having a blast. It was a great laugh to watch if you're the kind of fan who favours physicality.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.