7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE Raw (25 Mar - Results & Review)

2. Punk/McIntyre/Rollins Torch Their Segment

CM Punk Seth Rollins

If what happened Monday night between CM Punk, Drew McIntyre and Seth Rollins wasn’t at least partially improvised, then WWE loosened its reins on content for at least this one segment.

Punk made his return to WWE in his hometown Chicago, mulling over what he would do during WrestleMania noting that his mouth works – and then shouted out his wife April for the first off-color remark of the segment.

It only got worse – which was all the better – from there.

McIntyre came out and refused to get in the ring, standing on the commentary desk and sparring with Punk over T-shirts, the ability to stay healthy, and how Drew is living Punk’s dream of challenging for a world title at WrestleMania. Rollins would make his way to ringside to interject as the World Heavyweight Champion and essentially invite Punk to be a part of their title match.

Punk was on fire during this segment, questioning McIntyre about being the Chosen One, asking “Who chose you? What’s his name?... What paragon of good virtue chose you?” Of course, Drew couldn’t reveal He Who Shall Not Be Named on WWE Television.

When a Rollins audience poll on Punk’s involvement in the World Heavyweight Championship match went awry and fans shouted “referee,” Punk improvised counting to three, then quickly commented that he didn’t think he could be objectively fair with “these two dipsh***.”

There’s more buried in that segment, with McIntyre and Punk’s back-and-forth being particularly spicy. Punk at one point dared Drew to get in the ring, and the Scottish Warrior said the Chicagoan likely had a weapon. Punk laid down to egg him on, so Drew sat cross-legged on the announce desk.

This segment was a great example of how WWE has done all the heavy lifting for the Rollins/McIntyre feud, and having Punk in the mix just spices things up a bit and adds a bit more dimension rather than just reiterating the same points once again.

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Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.