7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE Raw (Results & Review - 16 Oct)

6. We Hug Here

Sami Zayn Jey Uso

Hug. It. Out.

The on/off friendship between Sami Zayn and Jey Uso has been one of WWE's best plot points for a long time now. They even cared about one another on and off when Sami was feuding with Bloodline boss Roman Reigns, but the pair are free to be best buds now Jey has escaped Roman's tyranny.

Raw featured a sweet moment backstage that followed up on Uso saving Sami's skin earlier. Initially, Zayn told a puzzled Jey that he wishes Kevin Owens had been there to help him instead. Refusing to bite, Uso said he'd be there for his pal and walked away. That's when Sami caught up, apologised and they hugged.

All's well that ends well then. The best thing about all of this? Zayn and Uso have been coming across as real human beings rather than walking cartoon characters who react to things in tough guy wrestler mode. This skit was so simple, but so damn effective at the same time.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.