7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Aug 14)

2. 'P.I.S.S'

AJ Styles Jeff Hardy PISS

Toilet humour makes Vince McMahon giggle.

That's the only explanation one can come up with to explain why AJ Styles introduced the 'Phenomenal Intercontinental Statistic System' on SmackDown. The actual acronym used was 'P.I.S.S'. Yes, have another urine gag to go along with your Jeff Hardy 'Redemption Tour'.

Little touches like this spoil the moment. There will be some teens out there who get a kick out of this sort of thing, but such sophomoric laughs take away from the seriousness of a feud between two top-tier pro wrestlers. Also, what's this fascination with Jeff and pee pee?

As nice as it was to see TNA alumni Joseph Park make a cameo appearance on the show, he did so in a segment that only existed to make p*ss jokes again. At least the match itself should be a stormer (which we'll get to later).


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.