7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 22 - Results & Review)

2. Some Seriously Smart Storytelling

Damage CTRL IYO SKY Asuka Kairi Sane Dakota Kai Bianca Belair

Or should that be...let babyface heads roll?

IYO attacked Bayley backstage before tackling Naomi. Then, post-match, the faction tried to take Naomi out so their old leader would have even less backup for SKY's impending WrestleMania title defence. That meant Bianca Belair was the only one left to run out and try help Naomi. She failed.

Of course, Belair will blame Bayley for all of this going forwards. Bianca won't have sympathy for the aforementioned ambush behind the curtain, nor will she understand why Naomi keeps putting herself in the firing line for someone who was previously a complete bitch to everyone in the division. Man, this is nuanced storytelling.

Things are heating up nicely, and we've still got to see where (or if) Jade Cargill fits into things. Tiffany Stratton is there as well; she got salty with Belair, but Bianca thought better of attacking her and tended to the wounded Naomi instead.

SmackDown's women's division has seen vast improvements in a hurry. Long may it continue.

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