7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 22 - Results & Review)

2. Another Weak Tag Effort

AOP Street Profits


AOP vs. Street Profits was another qualifier for the tag title situation at 'Mania, but it never properly got going at all. That certainly bothersome considering both teams are tied to warring factions. You'd think there'd be some meat on the bone here. Instead, it was slooooooooooow. So slow, in fact, that even watching on 2x speed would've looked like a regular match between two other teams.

The Pride vs. Final Testament has been up and down overall, so this is just the latest bump in the road for a tale WWE blatantly doesn't give much of a toss about. Have the writers given up on these stables already?! Probably not, but they're hardly the most important to weekly programming as things stand.

This bout didn't help the feud's cause one bit. AOP seem clunkier than they did before, and The Profits have bottomed out as an energetic act capable of delivering the goods. Maybe everyone can turn things about with a multi-man in Philly, but it's doubtful.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.